Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Stolen guitar amps & marked subway spots...

Things keeping the boat afloat of late:

~ Stealing guitar amps. (will it work?? the burning question remains... watch this space)

^ Marking exact spots on the subway so the train drops you off next to the stairs/exit.
! Falling asleep in the train 5 minutes before the last stop.

{ Rediscovering Josh Ritter's excellent record Animal Years.

` Helping ishay/meeshu crack the back of the boards.
/ Revelling in Anais Mitchell's record Hymns for the Exiled.

^ Paraphrasing reveries.

` Waiting for the PJ Twenty 1080p rip.
~ Rejuvenating the Dye Corduroy Sound-Cloud page   and this very blog.

` Stocking up on the FLAC's - lossless music is the way to go.  If you're nice, I'd let you borrow some...


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