To think that you are able to believe and to desire ... yet unable to achieve and nametag. Minor erratic methods to moments, vicissitudes of constant dismay. You wake up to the dirge of the silent film playing in your head. You crawl to the wishing well of your serrated ways. You walk inch by inch to the precipice of unfullfillment. It’s a friendly whisper of life passing you by...

You name (maim) all the animals in the raindance that surrounds your static struggle of being heard, being felt, being echoed, being loved. You sleep with yourself, chase, catch up, leave behind and erase your self. One by one, like picking perfect round pebbles, you fling your selective memories into the mirage you thought was the river that breeds you insatiable.
So my nametag reads Adil ... I like to document every sensationally demeaning and silently screaming emotion into songs. It’s been years, and the six strings continue to be my accomplice instrument in the consolation parade. Welcome to my blockbusting neo-grungy freaky doctor industrial butt baring flick.
My band Dye Corduroy and the many mp3s I upload can be found at:
poor sad robot kitty
leave the kitty alone !!!
freaks .... hmph
"You name (maim) all the animals in the raindance that surrounds your static struggle of being heard, being felt, being echoed, being loved. You sleep with yourself, chase, catch up, leave behind and erase your self. One by one, like picking perfect round pebbles, you fling your selective memories into the mirage you thought was the river that breeds you insatiable."
This is goregous.
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