Okay, this post is going to be about an official log i found in my journal. Its about a trip us house surgeons ( select few ) took to Kalabagh and froze our heads off. This was atleast 6 months? 8 months? ago but it makes interesting reading, here goes:
Lame Ass Trip #2
Official Log
10:30 am, Tuesday
(barely off of) Ravi Bridge
16 people ... most of them/us are LaAaAame! (Zach Braff style) I hope some of them are on the pill!
Well anywho, we're out in this bitchin' bus as compared to last times zero-legroom Nazi concentration camp ride. Another pseudo spontaneous wannabe exploit. However, this one is more sane, calculated and pampered. It's like a Beverly hills bastard as compared to a Nevada bitch. AND its only 2 days; so it should be packed full of good minty delights.
(pen shaking, scribbled text)
This on the move log is going to be a bitch to decipher later, but as it all shall be squeezed out my own mental vagina, it'll be fine. I've seen a couple of locations for the vdo, this weird Japanese looking trainstop reddish thingies.
So if we do generate the amount of drama, intrigue, deception, jealousy, sex and sarcasm that all of us potentially can conjure, then this just might be a screenplay to a block-busting neo-grungy freaky doctor industrial butt baring flick.
We've got 3 couples and no potential sexual tension to develop yet another one, so this will be quite the constellation of frustration. Pushing coconuts through coaster windows won't do much for your intellect, not even cause reason for alarm. But it JUST might inflate your sense of indifference.
So one day on a stage wit ha super 6000 watt sound brigade & 38 floor pedals, i might be so inclined to sing a song about today, maybe tomorrow?
Anything can look like your much awaited vista of inspiration. banana sex. mobile poker. naked barks of devoid trees.
I'll sell this later, so the lame ones can pretend to associate some sense of deeper emotion or a true nostalgic blowjob of memory as they read this. I have good music on, a good headset, a view of everyone and yet no one at all, so things are looking pretty fucking good. 10:23 am ---- out.
*now the next log entry was next morning, which coincidentally was the last bit of entry i made for "interesting" reasons, read on*
9:15 am / deep frozen ramblings
Well, yesterday the trip (bus-ride) went on and on and on .... quite a tragic hippie winding route we rode. We got to the PAF base around 5:00 pm & froze our EYES out. Suites galore though ... really nice 2 room / 2 bath / kit. suites we got ... I, Pupps, Yousee, Chirra and Naeem stayed in one; the rest of the go-getters in the next and the girls uphill/upstairs. The temp. MUST/should/would have been minus something. Dinner at 7, preceded ofcourse by Pupps, Amir and I scooby-doobeying and catching the wave. After dinner we directed our lemming-frozen selves to the TV room and scoured through the movies. Went out to take piccies in the dark and did other random freaky stuff ....
*the log is cut off here for obvious reasons and nothing more about the trip was ever written*
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